So, the evening that is

I got to reading the friends list really fast before I cooked some yummy kosher turkey and dealt with my laundry situation. However, without Mr. Wolf to organize things, I can only accomplish one of these goals at a time.

I’ve been toying with a few ideas for a new book lately, and when jaylake mentioned the magical path of “write badly, but fast” and had also referenced “sure it’s 100,000 words, but are they the right ones,” I got to thinking.

“Self,” says I, ” how many words have you written on this here internet thingie in 2006 whilst claiming to have no free time to write?” Knowing that the claim is absolute horsecrap (My MMORPG characters and their high levels say hello), I got a bug/itch/notion to go count how many posts I had thrown out into the ether, and possibly get an average word count.

Of course, I screwed it up. I just read the entire collected Bhagwan. It took me about an hour and 30 minutes. I’ve had to make for most of that time, good idea to eat has become FEED ME YOU JACKASS, and my laundry has been done for about an hour and 20 minutes.

And I have no idea how many posts I’ve made, nor the word counts associated with them. I’d ask someone to do it for me, but I really don’t care.

Besides, I posted a LOT more in 2005 and 2004. something to do with that whole work thing, Where I have written substantially more than 100,000 words in the last 12 months. Conservative estimate is that I’ve done three times that, and edited 150% of the total.

Good times.

Still have that itch, though. I’ll have to see what becomes of that.

After I cross post this to the other site, I’ll be busy for a few minutes.

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